AR & VR Lists


Top 10: Technology & AI Events in 2024

AI Magazine considers some of the leading events in the technology and AI sectors in 2024, showcasing the latest innovations and connecting world leaders


Top 10: VR Companies

From education to gaming, AI Magazine considers some of the leading VR companies that are committed to enhancing immersive virtual experiences for users


Top 10: Augmented Reality (AR) Platforms

With virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) quickly rising in the global technology market, AI Magazine considers some of the leading AR platforms

Top 10 Companies Using AI in the Metaverse

With the metaverse becoming established in the digital world, AI Magazine considers companies who are using AI in the metaverse, with positive use cases


Top 10 companies using AI to power ecommerce

AI is a powerful tool in the world of ecommerce - driving better shopping recommendations for customers and enabling higher levels of automation


Top 10 leading AI companies in North America

In an ever-evolving and competitive field, AI Magazine considers some of the leading companies who strive to pioneer and develop greater AI tools

Top 10 AI Healthcare Technologies

If the purpose of technology is to improve human life, then the convergence of AI and Healthcare Tech is the precipice of this goal...

Top 10 XR companies building the future enterprise metaverse

AI Magazine looks at 10 of the top companies working on extended reality solutions to drive the future enterprise metaverse